
Absorb is a flashcards web app for learning new terms and definitions. It is programmed in Javascript and hosted at the link below. The app is only optimized for desktop usage.

The Absorb Logo
Image of the Absorb interface

Create decks of cards to study and memorize

Absorb lets you create decks of cards to easily study before your important tests. Use the tab key to easily enter new terms and definitions into your study decks without any need to leave the keyboard.

Study Mode

Study mode offers a mix of multiple choice questions and write-in prompts using your terms and definitions

An example of multiple choice options in the Absorb app



The project deals mostly with card and deck objects.

Absorb Structure Plan
UML Diagram of Initial Class Plan


The app communicates with a Firebase database to store data and with a Firebase Authenticator to store user account information.

UML Diagram of Absorb
UML Sequence Diagram of Creating a Card

Navigation is performed by Javascript generating, removing, and moving HTML elements.

UML Sequence diagram for Absorb app
Wireframe Diagram for Logging-In